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优莎娜总裁Fred Cooper在第四季度全球电话会议上的发言(节选)
发布时间:2010/6/1  阅读次数:370  字体大小: 【】 【】【


       Now let’s talk about our really rapidly growing Asia Pacific region. Quarter-after-quarter,Asia continues to grow at a double digit pace and is quickly becoming nearly half of our total sales. In fact in the fourth quarter, Hong Kong has now officially become our second largest market just behind the U.S.

       Of our nine markets in this region, six reported local currency growth for both the full year 2009 and for the fourth quarter when compared with last year. Our largest market in the Asia Pacific region Hong Kong once again out paced all other markets and was up more than 54% over last year.

       This is a great indicator of how our Chinese associate base is growing. These associates really understand and promote the new matching bonus and their businesses are growing as a result.

       Associate growth in the region was also considerable at 12.1%, more than 51% of associates worldwide are now located in this region. The additional compensation program and matching bonus is the greatest factor for growth we're experiencing in our overseas markets.

       By increasing our pay out for associates, USANA's compensation plan is viewed as more profitable and thus more desirable than any of our competitor's compensation plan. This program allows our new associates to generate a check faster, which we believe is a distinct competitive advantage.

       To sustain the momentum in this region, in May, we will host our Asia-Pacific conference in Hong Kong. And we’re excited about this event because the registration numbers suggest that attendance there could even surpass the number of associates who attended our international convention in Salt Lake City last year.

       At this event, we have some announcements and of course they’re reserved as a surprise for our associates attending there to generate additional excitement in that region.

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